Will W

While the possibility of a completely different path has always existed for Will he does his best to never forget the daily blessings he experiences. Born out of wedlock he spent his first 18 months in a number of foster homes before he settled in with his birth family. Once there, as much as he tried, he never felt like he fit in. He spent much of his childhood alone except when he was with his books. He loved to read. In fact, the more difficult the text the more excited he got about getting to the last page. And it was important to him that he understood what it was he was absorbing. As he got older he understood he was different from others in ways that seemed to matter. He learned more shame and more guilt. It wasn’t until later in his adulthood that he understood his being different was THE blessing, not a curse. These days he does his best to pass on his blessings by serving others through advocacy, education, and love.

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